Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Point Taken

I did not realize that I had not blogged in forever. (Thanks for snapping me back into reality Sheena :) ) There has been some pretty neat things that have happened since my last post. For starters, I went to my first ever Time Out for Women. It was awesome. I got to go with a wonderful group of girls from church and some family. The speakers were amazing. It was your classic scenario where we are laughing our behinds off one moment and then the next there is a powerful, spiritual moment where we are all sobbing. I even won a $50 gift certificate. It was awesome. I learned so much and realized that I love the feeling of unity with so many women who are striving to become better.
I also got going with school again. I am so excited. It is completely online so I don't have to travel so many hours a week. And I think that I am doing really well. Granted it is only my first two classes, but I am having a great time.
My girlfriends, I am sure, were relieved when November 20th came around because then I would shut up about Twilight for a little while. Yes, ladies, I am a Twi-Hard! I was so excited for "New Moon" to come out, even Cade knew when it was coming out. Friday night at midnight I went out to see the first screening with two of my great girlfriends. The next day I went with a pack of Edward and Jacob hungry women for another showing. It was so much fun!!!

Obviously I am an Edward Fan!!! Is it really that hard to not see why?

It was so much fun. We went and watched the show. Then thanks to a wonderful girl (love you Tami) we were able to munch on Twilight candies and smell yummy in our Twilight lotion. We went to eat afterwards and laughed so hard we were crying. It was such a great girls trip!

Last, but certainly not least, I just got back from visiting with my family for Thanksgiving. It was so nice. Thankfully I was able to get my homework done within a reasonable timeframe and was not bogged down the entire trip. We were able to do some really neat things: visiting an old candy shop downtown (it was so cute. There was even an old soda fountain bar that they still used.), some of the best restaurants I have been to in a long time, Thanksgiving (obviously), and a Rennaissance festival. I am sad to say that I did not have my camera with me when I went, but it was super fun. I have had some wonderful things the past few months. I hopefully will be getting some pictures in that I can update with.


keli b said...

fun where did you go to Time Out at. I went a few weeks ago with Ryans mom and her side of the family in SLC. It was fantastic this year. Hope all is well, love you guys and can't wait till new years!!!!!

Nan said...

I am glad to see that you have updated your blog. Somehow that seems like the only way I am able to keep in touch with you. B/c I can read it when the kids are sleeping. Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that you are still doing well. We miss you.

. said...

we had so much fun that day. glad you like the baggie filled with goodies. just don't ever forget how hot jacob looked ;)