Saturday, June 21, 2008


I watched Xanadu for kicks yesterday and if I may say so, for the sake of mankind, please don't watch it. If any of you reading this likes it, I am terribly sorry if I offend, but that was one of the craziest 80's movies I have ever seen. I thought this might be fun...Olivia Newton-John and Gene Kelly is such a problem. Oh my! Big hair, bad clothes, neon lights, Oh my! Big hair, bad clothes, neon lights, Oh my! It was tragic. I felt as if I needed to click my heels together three times to get back to reality. But my day was recovered when we were able to hang out with a few friends last night. Thank goodness! That was a close one.

1 comment:

Kathy Twitchell said...

Hey guys! I saw your blog on Keli Bullens blog. I was friends with cade, stan ryan keli...etc at dixie. we have a blog too... . Congrats on graduating Erica!