Sunday, August 9, 2009

Having Left Abruptly

My Mawmaw (Dot) and Pawpaw (Wendell) on their wedding day.

I know that some of you may have heard, but I had to head out of town on a family matter. My mother called me on the 28th to tell me that my dear Mawmaw Champagne had been in an accident on her farm. She was a victim to a gas explosion and had 3rd degree burns over 80% of her body. The only places she had no damage was on her back and the bottoms of her feet. I left immediately to take care of my brother while my parents went out to Augusta to be with her at the burn center she had been transferred to. The evening of the 30th my brother and I were able to speak to her. I was able to tell her how much she meant to me and how I loved her dearly. I was able to tell her some of the things that I admired most about her. My dad then called my sister and his uncle (my Mawmaw's brother-in-law whom she was very close to) for them to do the same. My dad was able to speak with her and tell her how much he loved her and say goodbye. She passed away later that evening. It was a whirlwind after that. We planned her service and went through all the details. My dad and I spoke at her funeral, as well as her pastor. It was such a lovely service. I was so glad to see all sorts of people who loved her as I did. I will miss her terribly, but I am glad that I have the knowledge that I do about what happens after we pass away. I am glad that I know that when we get her temple work done, she will have the opportunity to accept the gospel and be sealed to her husband and children for time and all eternity. I will miss her and can't wait to see her again. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for my family and Julia-thanks for taking care of Cade for me while I was gone. You are such a dear, sweet friend and I don't know what I would do without you. Trish and all my other sweethearts, thanks for keeping me and my family in your prayers and calling and checking on me. I'm so blessed to have wonderful people in my life.


keli b said...

Erica I am so sorry, I didn't know. I hope you are getting along okay. Death is not easy but knowing she is in a wonderful place with people that love her gives comfort. love you, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.

Nan said...

We will keep your family in our prayers. Having a knowledge of the gospel makes it a little easier, but it is still very heartbreaking to experience such a loss.

B.T.B.B. said...

Love you! Glad your home! Are you ready for house guests? We want to head out for Labor Day! Call me.