Friday, July 22, 2011


This little slice of heaven was found in Santa Barbra. I am loving the central coast. The weather is amazing. The beach is amazing. So many mommies walk their little lovelies around on the paths. (sigh...wish it wasn't 120 right now). On our way back from San Luis Obispo, we wanted to stop for breakfast and found Sambo's. It is right next to the beach with patio-seating. The joint was packed, but we were lucky to snag a table outside. First thing, a beautiful basket of mini-muffins arrives. Who looks happy?
Cade got an amazing burrito that was the size of Texas. I did a mix-and-match. The portions were gynormous. It was hard to not stand and bounce up and down to make room for it all. It was delicious.

Me trying out red lipstick. Oh la la

Our trip was amazing, even being so teenie. The hubs and I really enjoyed ourselves. Can not wait to go back.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Overnighter... 8 Hours Away!!!!

So the hubs and I had to take an overnighter away from our sweet little Yummy. Cade had an interview that I needed to be there for as well. Ekk. Anyway, we were able to go to San Luis Obispo. (All together now- collective sigh {sigh}) It was amazing. On the way up, stopped in Santa Barbra at Brophy Brothers for some amazing fresh catch. Shrimp please!Do I look as happy as I was?

It was such an amazing scene sitting by the marina. It was beautiful. After our interview, we ran back to our hotel to make a quick change and head to the beach. We found this amazing spot thanks to some insider info ;-) Thanks Meg! And dipped our toes in the ocean, which was completely freezing, but so worth it. And through out it all I was relatively calm about leaving baby behind. Yay for me!

Mimi's Visit

Out at the Cherry Festival in Cherry Valley. We <3 you Murrills!!!

My mom and brother surprised me by driving out here from Alabama end of May. It was so great. My mom stayed three weeks!!! It was awesome. She was able to see Savannah conquer so many milestones. She seemed to be waiting for a bigger audience than just Cade and I.

80's Prom

Throw in some bad hair and excessive amounts of lace, hair spray, and make-up and you've got yourself an 80's prom. Some good friends of ours came over and jammed to some 80's music with us. It was a fun night!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Update on the Cuteness

I have neglected the blog but for good reason. Our sweet little nugget is 6 MONTHS OLD!!!! I can't believe how quickly time has gone by. We have had our ups and downs, but it has been worth it seeing her grow so quickly and seeing what she is learning. She now knows how to use her hands and grab her toys, but I think her toes are her fave. She loves to stick those in her mouth (as seen above :-) ) She is almost able to sit up on her own and loves to talk. She has a funny sense of humor and loves snuggling now. (Yay!!!) Now that I have figured out how to upload pics to this computer I will be able to do this more often.