Thursday, August 27, 2009

Our Zip-Lining Adventure Continued

This was our third line after lunch. Yes, that is a ladder on the other plank. On this particular line, Lucas (one of our guides) told us that there was an extra special way to cross this one. A person would run off the platform and turn around as his foot was leaving. Then in the air, heave his or her body upside down and hang with no hands. What was even better was that this particular line had two cables running side by side. So of course Cade and I turned it into a competition. It was so great. Someone lost her shoe. Others shrieked the entire time. It was fantastic! Such a rush!
This bridge was used to test every one's knees shaking. It was a 120 ft. drop and was not very stable to walk across. They said that if anyone got sick, they would not be able to complete the last two lines. It was so amazing to look over the edge. There were so many beautiful plants and ferns. I just felt like I was in paradise.

This was our fourth cable. It was so amazing. This is the one that I manned up and went first on. It was so intimidating. We are start by standing on this extremely high platform and literally step off into nothing. It looked as if we were going to be clobbered by trees, but we just glided right through them.

Cade coming in. He was doing what they called "The Cannon Ball". It helps the person go super fast along the cable.

The landscape pictures are areas we hiked past and through. They are also where Jurassic Park was filmed.

This was our final cable. It was over half a mile long. It was so amazing. That little white line in the tree line is our landing deck. It was so amazing. Your body just hangs in the air as you glide across the tree tops. Looking down you can see streams and paths throughout the jungle. All sorts of plant life and rock formations. Looking around you just see the never-ending horizon. Beautiful mountains. It was so amazing. After we landed on the plank, there was a watering hole that we were able to hike to and go swimming for a while. It was so beautiful. It was nice a cool and had this beautiful stream that fed it. I was stunned.

As we were sitting on the veranda enjoying our dinner, the sun had started to set. We were able to just sit there and enjoy this beautiful jewel of a place. It was so amazing. There were surfers riding the waves. Kids laughing down by the shore. Couples strolling along the paths that wound throughout the property. It was so romantic. We finished eating and set out on the lawn to watch the sun set.


Nan said...

Beautiful. Thanks for allowing us to join you through your pictures.

B.T.B.B. said...

WoW! What an adventure! Looks like you guys had a blast! Some much needed R&R!