Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pioneer Trek

Last week, I was blessed to be asked to go on a pioneer trek for our stake. It was so amazing. This was my second time attending one. The last time, Cade and I were a "Ma and Pa". This time I was an "Aunt" with Pres. and Sis. Levie. It was so amazing. We had the best kids. (Now I'm sure that everyone is partial, but I really believe that we had the best.) We had three kids from our ward who were such good examples to our "family". We got there Monday afternoon. It was such a beautiful place. It was so great to get away from the world with all of its distractions and really focus on growing spiritually and those who went through the trek West so long ago. We were able to push a handcart. Our boys were so great. They insisted on pushing whenever they could. We had to ask to let the girls push. They were so great about helping set up everyone's tents and getting everything ready. I really appreciated it. The girls were so much fun as well. They were ready to do whatever was asked of them. Pres. and Sis. Levie were such spiritual beacons. It was a huge honor and blessing to be with them and hear the stories and lessons they gave. Everything was so well prepared, too. There was so much thought and consideration that went into it. We were so blessed to have such wonderful people plan, prepare, and be working everything behind the scenes. It was such an amazing experience. We were able to have these baby dolls that were made out of wheat. They were heavy enough to feel like a real baby. It was so neat. We couldn't put her down and had to have her with us at all times. We had to bury her on the last day of walking. It was so hard. Pres. Levie had a great lesson on the Resurrection. It was so spiritual. It made me realize again how lucky I am to have to gospel in my life and to have the knowledge that I do. To know that we can be with our families forever. To know that families who did not have the chance to be sealed together on Earth before they passed away can be sealed together. I am so grateful for the gospel and the learning and growing I have to do. I am so grateful for the pioneers who had so much faith that they were willing to walk so far to be able to practice this faith without persecution so that I might be able to today.

1 comment:

B.T.B.B. said...

That sounds awesome! Wish I was there.