Friday, July 10, 2009

4th of July

Independence Day was so much fun. We had a pretty relax day. Nothing too crazy going on. That afternoon we headed down to my girlfriend, Tanille's, house. We had a BBQ was some people from church. It was so much fun. There was this huge water slide/bouncy house for the kids, but Tanille and I decided to have a little fun of our own. Unfortunately (maybe even subconsciously) I forgot the camera at home, so there will be no photographic evidence of this event. Just kidding. It was a lot of fun. Hanging out with all sorts of lovely people. It was definitely relaxing. That night, the raceway was doing a spectacular fireworks show so we all got out our lawn chairs and watched. It was so great to hear the songs about our country and the freedom that we have. It was so fantastic! After everyone left, we stayed behind to clean up some. After that was done, we blew the slide up again and played a little while longer. Thanks to the Crawfords for a fantastic evening and being so gracious to open up your home to everyone!

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